Odoo Accounting training

Training wda odoo

The experience of our trainers

They are trained in the Odoo accounting module but have knowledge of all Odoo functional applications and their interactions with other applications (Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, Expense reports, etc.).

training WDA

Custom functional trainings 

Expert accountants lead our Odoo training, fine-tuned for diverse business needs, ideal for all skill levels across sectors like B2B, B2C, e-commerce, and more.  

training wda odoo

Training by Odoo accountants

Accountant-guided Odoo training streamlines accounting on the platform, targeting those managing accounts and covering in-depth accounting topics.


Why choose We Doo Accounting ?

Tailored and targeted training

We design our Odoo training sessions to suit your business sector (retail, industry, services, etc.) and your user profile (accountant, manager, etc.). This tailor-made approach ensures that the training is precisely tailored to your requirements and those of your team.

Streamline your accounting management by mastering Odoo ERP 

Discover our training programme specialising in Odoo accounting. Designed to meet the needs of professional accountants and company directors, this training course guides you in optimising and automating your accounting processes, thanks to the expertise of our specialist trainers.

The expertise of our trainers

Our team of trainers are Odoo accountancy specialists with complete mastery of all Odoo functional applications and their interaction with other modules (CRM, e-commerce, stock management, etc.). This global expertise enhances your learning and enables you to master the tool in its entirety.

Our training courses are Qualiopi certified in the "ACTIONS DE FORMATIONS" category, issued on 03/07/2024 by Certifopac.


Notre offre de formation peut être adaptée sur un plan organisationnel et pédagogique pour toute situation spécifique liée à un handicap. Afin d’étudier l’adaptation de la formation et vous accueillir dans les meilleures conditions, nous vous invitons à prendre contact avec notre service formation : formation@wedooaccounting.com

 Who is our training offer aimed at ?

Training for Odoo Accounting module users

Voir le programme

Training for Odoo integrators

Voir le programme

Training topics

 General accounting 

 Management of fixed assets and supplier accounts.

Administration of general ledger and accounting entries.

 Configuration of the accounting application

Tax and currency administration.

 Administration of bank and cash flows.

Analytical and budget monitoring.

Management of customer and supplier payments.

 Tax report management 

Automation of VAT returns.

VAT management for intra-Community transactions..

 Supplier management

Supplier invoice and payment administration.

Advanced configuration of the supplier dashboard. 

 Customer management

Administration of customer invoices and refunds.

Setting up customer accounts and monitoring collections.

Why choose We Doo Accounting training ?

Training designed by accountants, for accountants

 Our training courses are delivered by accounting professionals, offering a practical and technical approach to Odoo accounting.


Tailor-made and flexible

 We adapt to your unique needs, whether you're an accounting expert or a beginner.

Pour toute réclamation, merci de vous rendre sur notre formulaire de réclamation. Il sera traité dans les plus brefs délais

Dernière mise à jour : 13/05/2024


FAQ page Odoo accounting training :

Our training courses are designed for a wide range of professionals, from accountants and company directors to beginners wishing to master Odoo for their business management.

Although our courses are led by accountants, they also cover other functional applications of Odoo, providing a comprehensive understanding of the platform.

Our training courses guide you in optimising and automating your accounting and business processes with Odoo, maximising your company's operational efficiency.

We offer post-training follow-up to ensure that the skills acquired are properly integrated and to answer any further questions.